I have been accused a handful of times of having tunnel vision. I get so focused that I don't see what is happening all around me. One time in high school I was walking to my next class, and I was lost in thought that I didn't even notice that my best friend was waving and yelling at me. I've done it so many times that I have greatly offended people because I didn't even realize that they were in the room. Before we go to family gatherings or a night out my honey gently reminds me that I need to pay attention to other people around me and not have tunnel vision. I promise I have worked on this over the years, and I pay attention to others really well, but I do slip up sometimes and get lost in my own thoughts.
It got me thinking though as I drove home from dropping off my kids at school this morning. Tunnel vision could be a good thing if used properly. What if you used tunnel vision when someone said something that wasn't true about you? When you're pursuing the things of God, but temptation comes? You see tunnel vision is amazing because you can focus on one thing and not be distracted by everything around you. You don't know what above you, below you or on the sides of you because you are looking in front of you. Next question is what are you focusing on? Your job? Kids? Life? If we were all honest all of us would say that we have fixed our eyes on other things in this life besides God. We've tried to do it all by ourselves many times. Thankfully we have God's grace. Every day and multiple times a day we can choose to put God first in our lives. When we deal with the horrible coworker or a disobedient child, we can ask God for help and focus our gaze on Him.
In Proverbs 4:25-27 says 'Look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.'
I want to encourage you to look straight at God and to fix your eyes on Him. Look at what God has lied before you. Follow God's feet. Stay with God on His safe path. Don't get sidetracked by people, things and everything around you. Keep your feet away from all evil.
How can I apply this to my life?
My mind is a trap for me. When I am in too much thought about future plans or trying to figure out all things. I stay stuck. I don't move forward. So, today I am choosing to let go and let God. I am focusing my mind on Him. My maker and creator.
Dear God,
I give you today. Have your way in my life. Help me to have tunnel vision. Fully focused on you God so that I can get through my daily work, activities and life. You are in my day-to-day life. I am so thankful for you, how you are by my side always through hard time and good times. In the name of Jesus.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
In Christ
Rena (Cupsofgraces)
#cupsofgraces #grace #tunnel #vision #encouragement #jesuslovesyou #godlovesyou #relatable #focus #onlyjesus #bible #bibleverse #love #family #kids