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Friend, Put this on auto repeat

In all honesty. I think this verse should be put on auto repeat in my brain. I easily forget who God is in my life when I face challenges.

I started working in the public schools again. After 9 years of being a stay-at-home mom. I took a risk and got a job at the school my kids go to. Very quickly I started noticing who were the more difficult children. During lunch one child in particular loved the sound of his own voice and just was borderline disrespectful. I was thinking about that incident at school tonight as I was cooking dinner. God reminded me that if you don't read His word that you don't know what kind of God He is. Jesus is the best example that we have on how to treat others. So instead of looking at this boy as troublesome and annoying. I should look at Him through the eyes of Jesus. Who is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

God never labels me for all of my mistakes. If I remember right, I too went through disrespectful years in growing up. My mom could tell you all many stories of how I rolled my eyes like a pro whenever she spoke to me.

Sin really creeps in when we start to label ourselves and others. Instead of reading His word and knowing who God is and who we are to him. We believe what others say about us. We respond harshly.

Today I am choosing to see people the way God sees them. To ask for his guidance as I correct and help students. To know that God is right there with me in hard situations.

Knowing who God is helps us to know that we are loved. It also helps us know how to respond to others in every situation. I am reminded of the bible verse found in Colossians 4:6 it reads "Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." (Also needs to be in my brain)

Bible verses:

Colossians 4:6

Psalms 86:15



Help me to speak with words of grace and help me to know you better so that I can speak to others in kindness. Show me your ways. Let the way you see people be the way that I see others. Help me not to label myself or others by the mistakes that are made. Help me to speak life and your word over others around me.

In Jesus Name


I hope that this encouraged you to see people the way God does and to be careful on how we speak to others around us. Always remember that you are loved. No mistake can keep you away from God's loving hand. I encourage you to reach out to Jesus and ask Him for his help in your situation.


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