A lot of times planning ahead brings an easier going day. Last night I knew I had multiple doctor's appointments to go to today. I let the kids know that they needed to get ahead on their schoolwork so we wouldn't have to worry about doing it after we got home. We would have felt to rushed if we hadn't planned ahead last night. So, getting out of the house this morning was so smooth. The planning worked, yay!
I always remember though that some things you can't plan and I got to learn how to deal with it. It feels stressful and hard to get through those days while others sail by so sweetly.
Even today I can't expect things to go smoothly. Life has a way of throwing you curve balls and you have to be ready. I think we set ourselves up for traps sometimes because we think if we do all these things it should go a certain way. In a way we expect perfection out of life. I do this to often to count. It's hard to face life when it's not what we thought it would feel and be like. Our views are unrealistic. It even says in the bible there will be hard days, the winds and waves will come but we look over that verse and we think: oh not me I will always trust in God I will never waver with the waves and the wind. Oh, but when it comes baby hold on. Don't just hold on to your plans or our ideas of what life is going to be like. That in itself could get you ship wrecked.
Expect the winds and the rains. Expect bad things to come. Expect all that but mostly expect God to show up in the storm. Expect Him to walk with you by your side. Expect Him to always be with you. He always will. Expect that more than the storm that you are facing today.
Psalm 89: 8-9