It's been a little over a year since I ended up needing crutches to aid me in walking due to multiple medical conditions.
A couple months ago I finally was able to get on the floor to stretch without shooting pain going through my knee cap.
My specialist set me up on a plan last year to up my exercise and to get monthly phlebotomies. It's been hard. I've taken time to love my body, to rest when I need to and to move my body every day. My mindset has changed this season. I've gone from dodging pain to embracing it. I'm so happy that I've pushed myself to simply move. To strengthen weak spots in my body but mostly in my mind. I've experienced God when I am weak. Literally weak 😂.
Girl, life is hard. Keep pushing forward. Life was not meant to be easy. We live in a fallen world where pain and suffering exist. BUT GOD is guaranteed to show up. Lean into him, friend. Cry out to him and he will come to your aid. Know that you are incredibly loved and cherished by the God who created you and set you apart. Know you are loved right now. ❤️