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Luckie Triplets: Trusting God with your growing family

This month is NICU Awareness month!

I would like to introduce to you the Luckie Family. I met Mrs. Kimberlee Luckie way back when I was in college. She is such an inspiration and a great woman of faith. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us today.

- Kimberlee took a pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant. She was feeling extremely tired and sick. She could barely keep her eyes open during the daytime. Little did she know she had quite the surprise coming. Her husband and her went to their first doctor's appointment at 12 weeks and the doctor was a bit puzzled as to why she was showing already so early. They did an ultrasound and turns out they were not having twins but triplets. Yes, three babies! They were in shock and her husband went as white as a sheet. All parents of multiple babies know that most likely all your children will be born early and be in the NICU when they are born. After this news they both had no jobs or a home, but God said to Kimberlee "Trust me with your growing family." Kimberlee trusted and went on to 30 weeks. First baby to come out was Jordan at 4 pounds 1 ounce, next came Sawyer at 3 pounds 7 ounces, and lastly came little Patrick Jonathan at exactly 3 pounds. Jordan struggled the most in her respiratory system and it was really hard on mama to watch her go one step forward and two steps back over and over again. Kimberlee said watching all the monitors and not being able to help in any way was the hardest part of being in the NICU. Both boys were diagnosed with Craniosynostosis which is heads that are completely fused with no soft spots. They have very prominent foreheads and football shaped heads. They both had to have surgery when they were 4 months old. All together the triplets spent 8 weeks in the NICU. God provided for them they now have a home; jobs and the triplets are growing and healthy.

Kimberlee wants to encourage you if you are in the NICU to reach out to others and let them fill your cup, don't believe the lies that you failed your babies like it was your fault you did everything right and these things just happen and finally to trust God with your growing family and watch him provide.

You can connect with Kimberlee and the Luckie Triplets on TikTok: sodarnluckie and on Instagram @lastouncemama

God bless everyone


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