I read a scripture verse this morning and I thought about how just reading it brought comfort. With your tongue you are able to produce many words. The tongue is so small but yet it is so powerful. The words you and I speak are so important. This is just one verse of many found in the bible that speak about the tongue. The book of Proverbs has a lot of them. Proverbs 15:4 says, 'A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perversive tongue crushes the spirit.' Perversive means to pervert and to lead astray. As you are going about your day today remember to build up instead of tear down. Encourage someone instead of discouraging them. To think about what you are going to say before it comes out of your mouth. No one is perfect and we all say things we regret or did not mean. As a child we were taught to say sorry and as an adult we can also say our sorry to people that we have overwhelmed with the words we have spoken. Today make the choice to listen and ponder the choice you have to have a soothing or a perversive tongue. Have the person that walks away from you feel a need to be closer to Jesus.
I hope this encourages someone today to remember that we all are in need of Jesus and that a simple bible verse from his word can bring comfort to our soul and to remember to speak soothing words to one another. Let your words be a tree of life!
Proverbs 15:4